*Cue Katy Perry*
"We're living the life, we're doing it right...Make it like your birthday everyday!
I'm 19 now HOLLA!!
At midnight we started off my birthday driving up to Logan Canyon searching for the Northern lights. After about 40 minutes of driving, we realized there were no Northern Lights. Wow. Lame joke whoever said that there were lights. Not cool. It was still way fun though! It didn't even matter that we didn't see any lights, because we got to hang with such awesome people. Thanks to Sam and Rio for being rad chauffeurs!
YAY for football, friends, and cornstarch fights! It was so cool to see the whole stadium packed with white. So much Aggie pride. Also thanks to the team for getting the memo and winning for my birthday. Wow you guys are da best!

Keaton: "I'm going to hug you so tight that we flatten this balloon.You have to keep it forever. Put it in your scrapbook." #success
Siera's parents are the sweetest people in the entire world! They sent me a birthday card and a journal! I've only met them once guys! They are so cool!
Fun fact: I've ALWAYS wanted a surprise party. No joke like my whole entire life. Tonight my amazing friends totally granted that wish! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! Thank you to everyone who helped with the surprise, decorations, and treats. Also, thanks to all those cool kids who came and danced, and made my night so great!
I obviously was not prepared with my gopro to film, so here are some crappy quality videos of my night. Sorry.
I obviously was not prepared with my gopro to film, so here are some crappy quality videos of my night. Sorry.
Siera ft the Twerk Team aka Seth and Nate.
Best group of people ever.
"Keaton you are going to be such a good looking old man. Like look at that white patch of cornstarch in your hair." -Baylee.

S/O to Erica. She is hilarious and always the life of the party. Thanks for being the best adopted roommate around.
My birthday lunch at Noodles & Company was kind of extremely delicious. Also S/O to @keatmack for sharing the same birthday week with me! Obviously September birthdays are the sickest.
I know I say this a lot, but I seriously can't get over how blessed I am to have such amazing friends! A year ago I would never have expected that my life would be the way it is now, and the beautiful thing is, it's a million times better than I could have hoped! I am so glad I met Siera and that we are roomies! Aggie life is so good at USU!!
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