Here's to my first post on Blue Crew! This is going to be a great year!
I want to start off by telling you a little about myself-meaning this post might be a little long because there is so much else to share-but I figured you might want to know a few tidbits about me before you sit back and relax to read the spectacular wordage I am about to indulge you in.
My full name is Talysa Ann Anderson Brimley. This is because I have yet to change my last name to my married name. But I'm completely OBSESSED with my hubby so I figured you guys might want to be obsessed with our cuteness too.

(<<<I mean come on, how could you not like that?)
So we were married 5.10.14 and have been basically the happiest living in Logan ever since.
- I love Disney. Basically anything and all [D.I.S.N.E.Y] I am completely obsessed with.
- I am going to be an English Teacher, but for a while I seriously considered becoming a Graphic Designer because I love to draw and do all things artsy.
- If you give me chocolate. I will eat it. ANYTHING.
- I was thrilled to go to Snow College, and I had the best time there, but I cannot explain the love that I have for Utah State now and being an Aggie.
- The outdoors are pretty rad and I love to go for a nice run.
- Food and I are friends. Basically food. All the time.
[I'd rather not bore you guys with all the extreme details, but I might throw in a random fact here and there to show how "cool" I can be]
I'm so excited to be back at school, as most of you, not necessarily for the school part, but to be back at this great school! I will admit though, some of my classes are going to be pretty great!
(as a heads up, I enjoy using exclamation points, this is one of the few ways that you can pretend to see the excitement on my face)
Luckily in my first day of school pictures, at least I am smiling. Life seemed so much better when all we had to worry about was what was in our lunchboxes, which is probably why I enjoy the fact that there are still princesses on the outside of my pink lunchbox. Let's be honest, you're all jelly.
SO this year, it was omelettes and muffins to start off the week. And not to mention how easy and cheap that can be! (Also Deeeelicious)
All right. So after you have consumed your awesome breakfast {} then you all should know that the #USUWOW was happening this week. For those of you who don't know, WOW stands for Week of Welcome where there are so many activities and opportunities to get involved on and outside of campus.
Unfortunately, I was not able to make it to a lot of the events at night due to the fact of being an adult requires that I obtain a job to live. Well, ha as you might have guessed I was subject to hold to my schedule and spend time at work instead of fun events. BUT I was able to make it to a few things that were super great. For instance, Day on the Quad.
This is a great time for all students to go visit the booths that clubs, organizations, places throughout Cache Valley have set up for everyone to check out. This way, those that want to can sign up for all the different clubs that are at USU and let's be honest, get some free food. I love the Day on the Quad cause it gives everyone the chance to get involved and IT'S ALWAYS A GOOD TIME!
Okay. This is some serious business.
I have never donated blood before.
Like. Ever.
So, with this week being the kick off week for everything, I figured (since it was also USU vs the State) this would be a good time to finally donate blood.
Before all this, ONE reason why I had never donated was because I never weighed enough. Well, after being married, <and all the laziness and treats you consume>, you tend to add a few pounds, but we won't get into that. Seeing as how those extra pounds made it so I could donate, I actually really wanted to.
So they got me all prepped and had everything ready to go and the next thing I knew, I was still in pain, unfortunately, they couldn't get the needle in my arm because my vein collapsed; being small has those disadvantages sometimes. Therefore, I was unable to give blood.
I must say though, it still felt good that I had at least tried. Maybe next time we will figure it out and nothing will go wrong and I can finally donate blood. For everyone else, I highly encourage that if you can do so, then do it! Cause sometimes, for people like me and so many others, we cannot do it. Plus, it's for a good cause. What's better than that????????
Although there were so many other events that went on during week of welcome like:
High Stakes Bingo
80's Dance
Movie on the Quad
I'm glad I was still able to go to a few things. And to make a *SPLASH* on my last day of the first week of school-I was able to participate with a few friends and family in
This event is held every year at the American West Heritage Center.
As a 5K race, we sloshed around and trudge through the mud while challenging obstacles stood in our way.
I will admit, that getting down and dirty was definitely one of the best ways to help with a charity. (Man vs Mud helps support the American West Heritage Center that is devoted to preserve Cache Valley and the Child & Family Support Center). There are so many ways to get involved up here at USU and to have such awesome times getting to do different things that you love!

"Here's looking at you kid"